Pulleys & Timing Belts for the Medical Industry

medical pulleys

Timing belt pulleys are used in a variety of applications in the medical industry.

Air Supply Fans

One of the main uses of timing belt pulleys is air supply fans, among others. Even though Poly Chain® timing pulley drives are being used at an increasing rate, v-belt drives are still the industry standard for these fans. Poly Chain® belts increase energy efficiency in the belt drive, increase the gearbelt life, and reduce maintenance costs. 

Exercise and Rehabilitation Equipment

medical timing belt

Rehabilitation and exercise equipment are other common uses for pulleys in the medical industry. Pulley machines give the user options on the number of adjustable body positions, sitting, standing, or prone, they can use compared to traditional free weight and resistance exercises. This eliminates the fear that users have of accidentally dropping weights onto themselves during exercise or training. Isolating each limb gives the user balance between limbs, yet free weights make the disparity of left to right strength indistinct which can lead to possible chronic injury and muscle imbalances. 


medical industry timing belt

Centrifuges work on the principle of centripetal force by forcing materials inside a test tube to separate based on the density of the materials. They use timing pulleys and timing belts for this process to closely examine various materials, such as blood. 


Treadmills are a prime example of practical uses for timing pulleys and belts. When picking up a good treadmill, it is crucial to look for bigger, more solid rollers and thicker belts to ensure you get the best performance. This theory proves that motor details and horsepower aren’t the key factors in choosing the right treadmill. 

treadmill pulley

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